3333 Vineville Ave
Macon , GA 31204
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Request a Consultation
(478) 745-1641
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Learn More About Bankruptcy

Personalized Legal Assistance

In-Depth Bankruptcy Knowledge

Free Consultations

(478) 745-1641

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Know When to File Bankruptcy

Deciding to declare bankruptcy is not easy, but there may be no other reasonable option for some people. An overwhelming debt load is usually to blame.

Declaring bankruptcy allows you to get out of debt and to make a fresh start financially. If you're considering bankruptcy and need more information, turn to The Law Office of Sherry L. Johnson. Attorney Johnson will answer all of your bankruptcy-related questions and let you know:
  • About the benefits of filing
  • Why you should file for bankruptcy 
  • How to go about filing for bankruptcy
To learn more or to schedule a free consultation with Attorney Johnson, please contact our law office today.

Declaring Bankruptcy Can Benefit Your Financial Situation

Stops the Creditors From Contacting You

Once you file for bankruptcy, there is an automatic stay that's placed on your accounts. With the stay in place, creditors will stop:
  • Harassing you by phone
  • Sending you collection notices
  • Garnishing your wages
  • Attempting to repossess your assets
  • Threatening to file lawsuits
If you get any calls from creditors after you've filed bankruptcy, contact our office immediately.

Frees You From Overwhelming Debt

Depending on which type of bankruptcy you file, your debt will completely go away or be turned into a manageable payment plan. Attorney Johnson will help you decide whether you should declare Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy and then personally guide you through the process from start to finish.

Gives You Better Peace of Mind

Dealing with financial struggles can be very stressful. But with representation by our dedicated and hard-working attorney, you'll get be able to get your finances back in good standing and make a fresh start. Let our law firm help you take back control of your life. To schedule a free bankruptcy consultation, please contact us today.
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