Do you have credit card debt that you can't seem ever to get paid down? Credit cards with high interest rates often cause a great deal of financial stress. This type of debt is known as unsecured debt, which means nothing is being held as collateral.
If you've got excessive unsecured debt and minimal assets, filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be your best choice. When you do make the decision to file at The Law Office of Sherry L. Johnson, our Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney in Macon, GA provides one-on-one attention to ensure the process flows smoothly.
As the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process unfolds, there will be a lot of paperwork you'll need to look at and documents to sign. Odds are you'll have at least a few questions to ask about it all.
Count on Attorney Johnson to handle the legal documents for you while also standing by to answer all of your questions. The personalized attention you'll receive will help keep your stress to a minimum.
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